Friday, December 14, 2012


Fundamentals of Digital media

was the first online class that I have ever taken. Going into this class I was not sure what to expect. I have never been very good with computers so I was very nervous. Through this class I learned so much. I learned how to make my own song and then make a youtube video. I also learned about so many online applications, and how to create a 3D image. I enjoyed everything I learned. Through this class I feel like my art has been giving a chance to grow. I have learned that computers can not only help you with your project but allow you to create amazing things. I still use the photo editing application we learned. What I liked most about this class is that everything we learned is relevant. I can see myself if the future going back to these websites to create logos, or images to promote my art.
Creating my own website was at first scary to think about. I am so glad that creating an artist website was something we had to do. I am going for my BFA and later my MFA and I am so grateful that I now know how to showcase my art on a website for the future.
This class was very helpful. I would not have been able to complete the projects without the online tutorials. I think that was a great idea to have step by step tutorials. These came in handy during the grid photo and the website. I would recommend this course for all students that want to further their art experience. This class will not only be helpful now but for years to come. 
I wanted to share my favorite project of the year with everyone. This project was challenging but very fun. My final Grid Picture.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


I not only become roommates with my sister, but her dog Linus. Linus is a 2year old shepherd mix. I refer to him as my nephew, so I would be his Aunt Kelsey. Well me and my sister think that Linus sees me as his pet or present. Linus treats me as an equal and as anyone knows from owning dogs that this could be a problem. This silly dog takes all his toys into my room and hides them ( he thinks my room is his). I love this little monster, but I am in the process of trying to teach him that I am an owner and not a pet. Wish me luck.  

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

1 Direction Craze!

If you have not heard of One Direction, you need to get out more. I want to say that I fought the One Direction craze, I refused to be a follow. I tried...I failed. The image above is a funny little image I found, wither you think One Direction is the new Beetles or not, I have to agree they are good. I am a One Directions little sister would be proud. If you have not listen to them, do it they make you happy.

New Job

Recently I started working at Chipotle! I have been looking for a job and Chipotle seemed like a good fit. Chipotle is a interesting job, it is crazy how many rules there are whoo! I hope that I continue to learn through this job. The people are great and its an amazing environment.